By signing this Liability Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement, I am agreeing to the following requirements, terms, and conditions regarding use of the Second Amendment Guns and Range indoor pistol and rifle range located at 85076 Commercial Park Drive in Yulee, FL 32097
I swear and/or affirm that I am of at least 18 years of age, am of good character and moral standing and am legally entitled to possess and/or purchase a firearm. I have no criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, indictments or suffer from any form of mental illness that would prohibit me from legally and safely possessing and using a firearm, or would be detrimental or dangerous to me or others while utilizing the facilities of Second Amendment Guns and Range.
I agree that I will never be careless and/or negligent with my firearm. I will abide by and obey all rules pertaining to use of the shooting range listed below and will abide by the commands of the range safety Officer(s) while utilizing the facility. I also swear and/or affirm that I and my survivors, dependents or heirs agree to hold harmless and indemnify any employee, assistant, proprietor, owner, co-owner, manager, associate or possessor of the land and/or facilities of Second Amendment Guns and Range, LLC for any harm, injury, death or property damage sustained or endured while utilizing the Second Amendment Guns and Range facilities occurred as a result of, but not limited to, my and/or my guest’s negligent or unsafe actions, personal equipment, any act of nature, or any unforeseeable event, chain of events or incident. I attest that any weapons, ammunition & other personal equipment provided by me or my guest(s) for use in the gun range are safe & reliable.
I agree and understand that if I violate any Second Amendment Guns and Range rules, regulations, or guidelines that my privilege to use the range may be temporarily suspended or permanently revoked, and I also agree that if I have provided any false statement or information, my privileges will be immediately revoked with the complete and total forfeiture of any dues or fees paid to Second Amendment Guns and Range, LLC.